Pay day joy

It’s pay day, which is always a good day.

It’s an especially good day when there are no bills in the post office box 😃

Australia Post Gary Lum

For lunch, I had the SHISH special from Urban Bean Espresso Bar. The lamb was delicious.

#payday S H I S H - P L A T E TIME Braised lamb, Greek pitta bread, Greek salad with a garlic tahini sauce on the lamb Gary Lum

I was meant to be in a few places at once today but I had a priority to attend to, unfortunately. It’s a good thing I love my job.

By the time I left work all I could think about eating was half a tin of hot and spicy spam on a bed of ramen noodles covered in Coon cheese and dressed with vegetables.

Hot and spicy pay day Spam with Coon cheese noodles and vegetables Gary Lum

I hope you had a good day.

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