What is the collective noun for shopping trolleys?

The ACT Government has obliged shopping centre supermarkets to attach locks and chains to shopping trolleys in an effort to prevent people from leaving trolleys in inappropriate areas like sidewalks outside of apartment blocks, in lakes and other public areas.

There may well be a reduction in abandoned trolleys around Canberra, but it’s not complete. Every day I still see them left unattended and long distances from supermarkets.

We live in the 21st century, there must be better ways.

What is the collective noun for shopping trolleys? Gary Lum
What is the collective noun for shopping trolleys?

5 Replies to “What is the collective noun for shopping trolleys?”

  1. We have these huge trolleys too in Spain and also in Denmark, where I come from Gary.
    Here we pay to get a trolley and get the money back, when we return the trolley again. This prevent, that people are stealing these trolleys and that they just end up in a parking in bad order.
    We have lots of poor people, so if anyone leave their trolley in a bad place, they will soon take care and deliver the trolley and get the money.

    1. I wouldn’t mind if when we put the coins in we got them back without having to find the same type of trolley and have to fit them in like I’m guiding a stud to a mare. This system takes a $1 or $2 coin and more often than not I can’t find a similar trolley to ‘mate’ it with.

  2. I am a small store shopper, pushing around large things is akin to too much work!

  3. I am so American. When I realised what these were, I giggled. I love this name. It is more cozy than a shopping cart. I absolutely concur with Professor Henry Higgins in his song about the speaking the English language. (love that movie!!!!!!!) Even our words seem often uncomfortable.

    1. We have a Costco in Canberra and the trolleys are huge!

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