Did you know there are no calories in work related meeting food?

Exactly my friends, when you’re at an all-day work meeting with guests and someone brings out cakes and biscuits, guess what? They’re calorie-free. No calories!

No calories in work meeting food Gary Lum

Sarcasm Tags

Now should I add “sarcasm tags” to a post like this? It’s a pity there’s not sarcasm code for HTML I reckon.

So that should code as:

<sarcasm>Exactly my friends, when you’re at an all-day work meeting with guests and someone brings out cakes and biscuits, guess what? They’re calorie-free. No calories!</sarcasm>

Of Course There are bloody calories!

I mean of course that piece of cake has calories, it’s full of them and given you’re sitting on your arse all day and the only muscles being exercised are those controlling your eyelids. Then there are the biscuits and the ‘healthy’ wraps containing cured meats and sugary salty sauces.

But first coffee Gary Lum

So I spent today in a meeting. It was a good meeting. I ate biscuits, I ate cake and I ate a salami wrap.

How did you spend today?

17 Replies to “Did you know there are no calories in work related meeting food?”

  1. Hi
    Nice post! I’ve made a post about calories so if you have time and will please go and check it out! If you like it pls follow me, I follow you.
    Thank you! 😀

    1. If only it were true Marylin. I’d be doing as many work meetings as possible.

    1. Every biscuit…every spongy piece of cake is honestly met with a blank stare from me.

      I never want to show the disgust and disappointment at such simple gestures, so I erase all expressions while claiming some sort of stomach something or other in order to get out of indulging! 😉

      I love this post.

    2. Thanks. On most occasions I minimise my exposure.

  2. It would be nice, if it was possible to choose something more healthy, I agree Gary 🙂
    I had a creative day at home.

    1. Excellent Irene, I think every day for you is a creative day 😃

    2. I assumed you scheduled your posts, but figured you have a fairly creative life.

    3. I only schedule my posts, when I have many plans in coming days, otherwise I post, when I’m online and have something to show and when I have the needed abundance to do so. You?

    4. I rarely schedule posts, I tend to be spontaneous. The only exception is the podcast. I record on a weekend and the shows drop on Monday and Thursday.

  3. I giggled out loud when I read this!!! I am firmly convinced that the calories all leak out of broken cookies, too. Speaking of, you must be one of those chocolate chips in the cookie jar of life!

    1. Haha, thanks. I’ve never been likened to a chocolate chip in the cookie jar of life before!

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