Ha, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were talking about the esteemed Dr. Henry Lee! I’ve had the pleasure of his company at one of his lectures at my university. He gave me an open invitation to have lunch with him at his forensics institute!

To answer your question, a while back I came across your blog.

I saw your image and thought to myself, “Now there is an attractive fella.” I was delighted to see what an epic foodie you are, too! I’ve also heard your voice on a couple of your audio files and I enjoyed your accent. I never once thought that you didn’t sound like you should. I took you completely at face value and I’ve always appreciated you since, though we interact very little.

Quite frankly, I’m very surprised to see that this kind of blatant (rude!) racial differentiation exists in today’s conversations, no matter where we are in the world.

Thank you for the lovely insight into ABC’s. I had no idea this term even existed. One of my favorite professors in school is Chinese and though she’s been in America for 20+ years, her accent is still thick. I would feel angry at times when other students would rip on her, claiming they didn’t understand her and blaming her for their lesser grades. That was B.S. in my opinion. Sure, she has a thick accent and sometimes it would take me a couple times listening to my tapes of her classes as I transcribed her notes, but that was no reason to lash out at her. She deserved our respect just as much as our “white” professors did. Race should never even enter a person’s sphere of judgment. It’s 2017 for pete’s sakes. Haven’t we grown and moved past this yet?

Wonderful post, Gary.