Physical distancing or social distancing

This is not a post about the policy decision to encourage social distancing. I just want to offer another way of thinking of a form of words.


Prior to 1995 when I got my first e-mail address and connected to the World Wide Web via a dial-up modem, to me social distancing would have been an appropriate term. Since 1995 when I got an e-mail address and started exploring USENET newsgroups, and then writing a blog, and then getting into Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, my engagement in social media is my social life. Many of the people I communicate with every day are in different states or different countries.

The notion of social distancing to assist with flattening the epidemiological curve is about the distance between people. Infections spread by droplet transmission tend to be limited if people can stay a couple of metres apart. The droplets, when expelled from the mouth or nose, tend to fall to the ground within a metre of the person. Of course, if a wind is blowing the distance can change.

So to me, the message in my mind is physical distancing. That is, keeping the physical distance between people about two metres. I don’t want to be distanced socially from my on-line friends. If anything it’s important now to keep up our social networks and keep abreast of what’s happening with our friends and to be there for our friends.

I like the idea I can be friendly from behind a keyboard.

Social distancing is for people and not for cars

Social Distancing Cars #covidhumour

What have I watched this week?

Nothing. Not even an episode of Star Trek: Picard. I’ve been getting up at 0400, checking through important e-mails and answering them, and then getting to work at 0600. Most evenings I’ve been leaving close to 1900 and then working from home until about 2200. There’s not been much time for TV.

What have I listened to this week?

ABC News, not because I like ABC but because there’s no music or other palaver.


It’s been a couple of weeks since I posted here. I won’t be doing a Yummy Lummy post this week. I can barely manage one a week at the moment. I haven’t even updated Random Yummy. Nor have I posted food photographs to Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. There just hasn’t been enough time.

This is a gallery of photographs. Click on one and scroll through the rest.

Final thoughts

  • How are you going with social distancing?
  • Are you still staying sociable on social media?
  • Have you been able to find toilet paper in the shops?

12 Replies to “Physical distancing or social distancing”

  1. You are among those in the front lines. Bless you!!!! I have missed you bunches, although, I do think of you when I’m in my kitchen! So, you aren’t too far away!
    Being a part of physical distancing makes more sense. My world has been online for a while now, I’d hate to lose it.
    I find the FB side of social media is not being helpful. I end up on too many people’s short sticks.
    The Craftsman found TP finally. We have 5 rolls left and I thought it was too soon to get any, but I reckon it is better to look before one needs it! It isn’t one I’d normally buy, but it was the last one at 715 am.

    1. Thanks, Kris. I still haven’t found any toilet paper. I have a few rolls left. I’m eating more meat and less vegetables to reduce my fibre load and reduce the need for toilet paper 😂😂😂

  2. Yes i much prefer your term of physical distancing. It makes sense.
    I am managing fine with social distancing as we are both retired and used to being at home. I am missing my group bike rides but that is a small price to pay.

    No problem accessing sufficient toilet paper.

    You are certainly working long hours. Take care of your own health.

    Love the Jack Nicholson shot at the beginning of your post.

    1. Thnaks, Heather. The hours are starting to wear on me but most of the people I work with are in good spirits and that really helps.

  3. I am still walking every day with my dogs Gary, not catching up with friends but checking on my elderly neighbours who seem to be managing well. I have no idea what it is with this bulk buying – especially the toilet paper…grr!! I haven’t been to the big shops in two weeks as I am going over to my local farmer’s market to buy fresh vegetables and bread. It’s working for me but know others need other items. My neighbour has four children and went to the shops on Sunday to buy his weekly groceries and said he got so many bad stares as everyone just assumed he was stocking up for no reason.

    1. Thanks, Sue. The stares at the supermarket can be a bit unerving especially when I have no idea why. I went and bought three bags of different frozen vegetables and an alert came up that I’d exceeded the allowable limit.

    2. Oh my goodness. This is just ridiculous this bulk buying. It’s those people that have caused the stores to limit normal people buying ‘three’ items like you.

  4. Agreed. I feel the more appropriate term is physical distancing but I think this term is too demoralising to some given this world is an extroverted world. I think we all need to stop panicking, stop with scare mongering and keep to ourselves as much as possible. Take care of yourself Gaz.

    1. Thanks, Mabel. I’m enjoying living alone at the moment more than ever. There is much less worry when I’m not near anyone.

  5. An excellent point! One thing I’m still doing is walking because I think fresh air and exercise is so important. Granted, it’s not warm in the UK (when is it ever, you might ask, Gary) at the moment, but the streets are deserted. Everyone seems to be taking the advice ‘stay at home’ literally. It is fairly easy to maintain a two-metre gap (and more) when out walking. And yes, the internet comes into its own at this time. Stay safe!

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  • 💬 Corned beef and red cabbage with leeks, green peas, and cherry tomatoes