Google forms feedback

Google forms feedback

G’day readers. I hope you’re all well. Have you had a good week? It’s been a little bracing in Canberra this week. The morning minimum temperatures have been dipping below 0 °C/32 °F and there has been a little frost on the ground. People who leave their cars outside have found ice on their windscreens (windshields for North American readers).

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I’ve started contemplating an escape some time in June or July. Last year I took a week off and went to Cairns for four nights. It was glorious. If you’ve never been to Cairns, it’s worth the visit, especially in the winter. There’s also the food.

Google forms feedback comment

Regular readers of My Thoughts and Stuff and Yummy Lummy will have noticed I’ve learnt how to create and embed a Google Form into my blog posts.

I’ve been collecting feedback from readers. It’s mostly been positive and I am trying to implement the suggestions. For example, the trigger warning I provided a couple of weeks ago with a post about meat was met warmly from a regular reader.

Over at Yummy Lummy, I received a hilarious feedback form.

You can see it’s a dummy e-mail address. I just wonder why bother? I mean it doesn’t hurt me, if anything, it gave me a chuckle and a hook for something to write about this week.

Google forms feedback
Google forms feedback

The Google Forms business is really there just because I’m a nerdy geek and I like to play around with plugins and embedding things to see how they look and interact with the rest of the blog.

Hot chips and Twitter

So this weight loss business is not going so well. With winter here, I’m now thinking comfort foods and comfort eating to warm up at night. I’ve been watching the bon appétit YouTube channel lately and the slow cooking shows.

Graph showing how my weight loss is in some danger

The x-axis is time since the beginning of October 2017 to now. The y-axis is my mass in kilograms. For readers from the USA, Burma and Liberia, just multiply the number by 2.2 to get it in pounds.

Weight chart at 2018-05-20

I reckon next weekend may see the slow cooker move from the floor to the bench where the sous vide water bath has been sitting. I haven’t had lamb shanks for a while so this may be something for next weekend.

During the week though, I was a little down in the doldrums and rather than the leftover chicken thigh I had in a cooler for lunch, I was hangry for hot chips.

I didn’t resist. I gave in. I bought an $AUD8 box of beer battered chips from Mavi with some tomato sauce (ketchup) and aioli. Gee those chips were good. Sure enough the next day there was a rise in my weight.

Wednesday lunch. Hot chips and diet coke.
Wednesday lunch. Hot chips and diet coke.

Yes, yes, I hear you. Weighing myself every day is no good for my mental health. The thing is, I know me. I know if I don’t do it daily, I won’t do it at all. I need to monitor my weight. I don’t want to regress.

Master Chef Australia

So this season of Master Chef is on TV and I’ve been enjoying it so far. Unlike My Kitchen Rules (MKR) which I boycotted this year because one of the hosts is anti-science and a devotee of unconventional health ideology, Master Chef is more enjoyable to watch. It also lacks the antagonism that MKR generates between rival teams.

Like a lot of ‘reality TV’ I like to follow the Twitter feed associated with the show when it airs. Feel free to go to Twitter and follow #MasterChefAU I’ll be live tweeting tonight for sure.

Some of the tweets are funny, many are snarky, and some of the conversations are fun.

What I ate this week

This is a gallery of photographs. Click on one and scroll through to see them all.

Before you do that though check out the sous vide cauliflower cheese I made last night.

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Bad news for Ric from Ricardo’s Cafe and Patisserie

Last year I mentioned how Canberra was crushing salmonellosis. One of the unfortunate outcomes is that Ric from Ricardo’s Cafe and Patisserie is facing criminal charges associated with an outbreak. I really love eating at Ricardo’s Cafe and Patisserie. I hope the business continues.

Comment from Not Quite Nigella

Well on Master Chef this coming week Nigella Lawson is the main star. It was great to get a nice comment from Lorraine Elliot aka Not Quite Nigella on last week’s duck breast meal.

Lorraine Elliott aka Not Quite Nigella comment
Lorraine Elliott aka Not Quite Nigella comment

If you like reading food blogs then I highly recommend Lorraine’s. She is consistently regarded as Australia’s best food blogger. She posts every day and the variety of her content is what makes her so popular. She posts her own recipes, restaurant reviews, airline food reviews, and she has a travel gig at the moment which has seen her spending time in Peru. Please go and check out Not Quite Nigella.

Grand Big Mac

I was watching a Greg’s Kitchen YouTube video fast food review of the Grand Big Mac and figured before it’s no longer available I should try one.

It was okay, I do like Maccas and I do like a Big Mac. I started to feel bloated and very uncomfortable about ten minutes after I finished eating the burger. After avoiding bread and wheat products for so long I think it may have been better not to have eaten the whole burger, but then that would have defeated the purpose of trying a limited product. Oh well, it will be some time before I eat another McDonald’s burger I reckon. I enjoyed the tastes and the mouthfeel but the after effects weren’t pleasant.

Grand Big Mac
Grand Big Mac
Grand Big Mac
Grand Big Mac

Foggy Lake Ginninderra

Here are some photographs in a gallery from my walk this morning. When I set out it was only about 3.5 °C/38.3 °F. Click on one and scroll through the gallery.

The water hen is pretty. I wonder what it would taste like roasted with some spuds (potatoes).

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Final thoughts

I hope you had a good week.

Do you get feedback on your blogs or on social media?

Catch you next week.

Weight loss challenges when travelling


11 Replies to “Google forms feedback”

  1. Gary, I read that feedback and laughed heartily – who bothers writing that. Are chips really $8…wow that is expensive. NOOOOO….you know I am not going to support eating that lovely bird; it is for watching not eating!!!

    1. Yep, hot chips can be that much. This was a large snack pack box worth of chips though.

  2. That comment you got from Google forms was really lols. Good to hear you’ve been getting constructive feedback all round.

    Very refreshing to see how you tell it like it is about your weight loss. Nothing wrong about having a treat of chips too. Looking at the bigger picture, you are a fair way under from when you started 🙂

    To answer your social media question, I’m not very active on social media and a big part of that is due to the fact that I am lazy and also rather spend my time elsewhere. Generally the feedback I get about my blogs is in my blog comments or through word of mouth or face to face.

    That Grand Big Mac does sound great to eat. Not to sure if you have heard of the Mega Mac (you can request that and apparently Maccas staff can make it for you). That burger would probably defeat you. Today I got my hot and spicy nuggets. Managed 18 pieces out of 24. Poor form 😀

    1. I’ve heard about the Mega Mac. I’m going to have to ask about that.
      Come on Mabel, only 18 from 24. You need to lift your game 😃
      I like doing two 24 piece boxes.
      Really good hot chips are a weakness. I need to be more disciplined.

    2. One of my colleagues who worked in Maccas said staff usually had no clue what that is. But they are always game to Google it and make it for you 😃

      I have no game. My stomach feels a bit hot from 18 out of 24. You could have come over and had the rest 😃😃

      You and me are similar with hot chips. At least once a week I’ll have hot chips and only hot chips for lunch at work 😃😃😃

    3. You will win the McNuggets one hands down Gaz. No question about that. I might have a good chance at a fries challenge since I am carb girl 😂😂😂

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