Focus on the we and not the I

Photograph of The House of God and Man's 4th Best Ho$pital by Samuel Shem. Gary Lum.

Yes, I’ve become philosophical this week. I spent my spare time this week listening to the audiobook version of Man’s 4th Best Hospital by Samuel Shem who authored the classic hit, viz., The House of God. I mentioned these books in last week’s post.

Photograph of The House of God and Man's 4th Best Ho$pital by Samuel Shem. Gary Lum.
The House of God and Man’s 4th Best Ho$pital by Samuel Shem

It’s a struggle thinking we and not I

The we and not the I is something I struggle with. Living alone and basically having anti-social tendencies means I tend to think of the I rather than the we more often than not. I feel awkward in we situations and because of my deafness and tinnitus I’m forever asking people to repeat what they say. I also feel awkward because I’m at a loss when it comes to making small talk. Furthermore, I’m also not familiar with a lot of contemporary language and culture. People today seem to speak in a different language. Mumbling also seems to be the norm amongst many people.

I’ve found out the hard way in some situations that my dark cynical view of life is not welcome. My open blunt and direct sense of humour often smattered with words associated with bodily functions and colourfully accurate descriptions seems to make people shy away.

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