Tender and tasty breasts and thighs but no chocolate eggs this year

Good Friday breakfast. Sriracha poached egg with baked streaky bacon plus Vegemite and Coon cheese hot cross bun lathered in real butter. This is Australia!

Tender and tasty breasts and thighs but no chocolate eggs this year

Perhaps I should have titled this week’s diary entry as “How you can enjoy happiness without chocolate”.

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I hope as you read this you are enjoying your Easter break. We’re pretty fortunate in Australia, we have a four day break and even better for many Australians, daylight saving finishes and our country can return to three time zones rather than five.

If you have an Ikea VIKIS clock, you know it has one of the most bizarre button sequences to change the time. I’ve reproduced the instructions here.

I have no use for DLS, I get out of bed at 4.30 am and I’m in bed around 8.30 pm. I like it being dark at night when I go to bed. I for one am grateful to leave AEDT and return to AEST.

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