What I learnt in 2019

Rib Eye Bone in at Coles, Westfield Belconnen. Gary Lum.
Me on Monday night. Christmas selfie. Gary Lum.
Me on Monday night. Christmas selfie.

What I learnt in 2019

It took until this weekend to learn about conditional formatting in Microsoft Excel.

This year I’ve been weighing my body mass most days and lately I have been manually shading the cells red when the weight is greater than 77.9 kilograms. For the last week I’ve been trying to work out the “IF” formula to turn the shading red if the weight was greater than or equal to 78 kilograms. It all looked so complicated. Then on Saturday morning I was looking at the menu ribbon and saw conditional formatting and wondered what that was. Conditional formatting allows me to shade a cell red if the entry is >77.9 kilograms. That will motivate me more to achieve my target which I missed this year. I really want to get to less than 77 kilograms and in 2020, I want to see if I can sustain a body weight between 75 and 76 kilograms.

Screenshot. Conditional formatting MS Excel. Gary Lum.
Conditional formatting MS Excel.
Screenshot. Conditional formatting MS Excel. Gary Lum.
Conditional formatting MS Excel.
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Health and wellbeing update

Health and wellbeing metabolic syndrome Gary

Another health and wellbeing update from me today. A few months ago I recorded that I’d been to see my general practitioner (GP) and he referred me to pathologists for some pathology tests. The results reflected that I was a typical adult man in Australia. I’m overweight. My waist circumference is too large. My fasting insulin three months ago was a warning that I was following my father and paternal grandmother into diabetes mellitus. Just as worrying, my cholesterol and lipids plus my mild hypertension, all pointed to metabolic syndrome.

Health and wellbeing update

The Ekka 2019 Strawberry Sundae Health and wellbeing
Me and a strawberry sundae
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