Easter chocolate! Workplace generosity Part III Chocolate!

Easter chocolate for the win people. Workplace generosity again I hear you exclaim! I know right! Who knew it would be possible that in three days I’d be receiving more food gifts. Forst there was the Portuguese tart and then there was the bacon.  Check out what I did with the bacon tonight in my food blog Yummy Lummy.

Today I got top deck eggs, two chocolate bunnies and an Easter egg.

Easter chocolate goodies. More workplace generosity. Gary Lum
Easter chocolate goodies. More workplace generosity.

Even better, today was a short day. We got to finish work at 3 pm. Now we have a four-day break over Easter. I understand Australia is pretty unique in offering Monday as a public holiday too. In fact, we have an abundance of public holidays. So many of them you have to wonder about the effect of them on our economy. Not that I’m complaining. I love a long weekend.

In my opinion, there are really only two dates we need to observe nationally, they are Australia Day and Anzac Day. I reckon if people want to observe a religious period they should take it off as part of their allocation of recreation leave. I’m not convinced we need a holiday for the Queen’s birthday nor do we have to have a day off for labour day when I’d prefer to work to demonstrate the value of labour. Yeah yeah, I get it, leave a comment about it if you like.

Why do we need a family and community day in Canberra? How bloody stupid is that? It’s as stupid as Canberra day. Rather than these pointless public holidays, I reckon we should have a long weekend every month except April and January. In April, Anzac Day is sacrosanct. It should be observed on the day.

On Australia Day, if someone made a decision to change the date to 1 January, I’d accept that. I know it’s controversial, but it’s easier to make peace than maintain the rage.  I’d arrange January so that either side of 1 January there would be an extra two days off. That way if people want to observe Christmas they can but on their own pay and then everyone can have a multiday celebration of Australia becoming Australia’s federation. When we become a republic, Australia day should incorporate that too and remain on 1 January.

I know these views will be controversial and if I ever become President of Australia, I will campaign on a platform of a long weekend every month except April and three days in January when it’s often a quiet period anyway.

Would you vote for me?