What should I write about?

Shopping trolley gathering. Photograph by Gary Lum.

What should I write about?

This is Dead Duck Dilbert the travelling duck. Photograph by Gary Lum.
This is Dead Duck Dilbert the travelling duck.

What should I write about? I don’t know. I have a bit of a block in my head. My focus has been very work oriented.

The week has been really good. Monday to Thursday consisted of all-day meetings, one of which I chaired. I really like chairing meetings and coordinating a good discussion.

One of the days was a long one though. I usually wake up and get out of bed at about 4.20 in the morning and I’m often thinking about getting into bed at about 8.30. Most nights I reckon I’m asleep before 10. One night this week though I was out for work until about 11 which meant I wasn’t in bed and asleep until midnight. I felt buggered the next day.

There was a lot of coffee consumed the following morning. It’s a good thing I like coffee. My problem is I like coffee made with pouring cream (I do this at home with Nespresso pods) or steamed milk (I like a flat white). It’s a pity I’m not happy with just a long black. The calorie count for a long black is a lot less compared with white coffees.


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