The Champions

The Champions

Do you remember the TV show, “The Champions“? This was a TV series about three enhanced humans. In the opening title scenes of each episode, there was a short clip of the water jet fountain on Lake Geneva. The Champions were an international spy force who fought against evil.

Jet d’Eau

It got me thinking about some great TV shows from my childhood. I loved watching “Land of the Giants” and “Time Tunnel“.

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I spent this last Wednesday and Thursday in Geneva attending a meeting and on the day I arrived, there was enough sunlight in the afternoon to take a short walk and see the jet fountain. Sadly, I didn’t see The Champions.

White swans

I did see some white swans. I’m so used to seeing black swans in Canberra, I had to stop and admire these pale versions of the birds we have in Canberra.

It won’t surprise people to know there was speculation on Facebook about whether swan is available to eat.

Captain Cook jet

It reminded me of the Captain Cook jet fountain in Lake Burley Griffin, except, the Lake Geneva fountain seems to work without mechanical malfunctions.

Captain Cook Memorial Jet on Lake Burley Griffin

I’ve never been to Geneva before. I flew via Adelaide and then Dubai with the return via Dubai and Melbourne.


It’s good to be back in Australia. While I was in Dubai on Friday I received a message that a close relative had been admitted to hospital with a serious illness.

I’m hoping all will turn out okay.

The really fascinating thing about flying in and out of Dubai is that for many flights the aircraft is parked out on the tarmac and an air-conditioned bus is necessary to bring passengers to and from the aircraft. For three of the four connections I had this trip in Dubai I took 15-minute bus rides around the Dubai airport. The only time an aerobridge was used was for boarding an Airbus 380. Each other flight was a Boeing 777-300 ER.

A tram is also necessary to get passengers between terminals. On Friday morning the bus dropped passengers at the C gates of Terminal 1. The get to the A gates, a high-speed tram ride is necessary.

Dubai airport is huge and very modern. It’s amazing that outside is always hazy and dusty but inside the air feels pure to breathe. There are also smoking bars where people who smoke cigarettes and who vape can indulge with others.

That was one of the things I noted in Geneva this trip and Lyon in December last year; so many people smoke cigarettes and vape.

Coffee and sweet Dubai Airport

It’s not a drill

A few weeks ago I mentioned a thing I participated in which was broadcast on the ABC. People in Australia could see it on ABC’s iView but people outside of Australia couldn’t.

The video has now been uploaded to YouTube on the Asialink site so hopefully, everyone can see it. If it doesn’t work for you, drop me an e-mail, and I’ll send you another link.

How did a week travelling affect my weight

I wasn’t very careful while I was away. I just went with the flow. I weighed in this morning and was 84 kilograms/185 pounds. I probably should not have eaten a steak and kidney pie last night.

Photographs from the week

This is a gallery of photographs. Click on one and then scroll through them all.

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Bali Bombings 2002

This week we also remember those who were injured and killed by Islamic terrorists in Bali. I also pay tribute to those who helped and cared for those who were injured and for those who sat and care for those who died.

Final thoughts

  • Have you ever been to Geneva?
  • What do you prefer? The Jet d’Eau Fountain Geneva, or the Captain Cook Fountain Lake Burley Griffin?
  • Have you ever tried a Fray Bentos steak and kidney pie?
  • Do you remember watching “The Champions? “Time Tunnel“? “Land of the Giants“?

Reflections on Lake Ginninderra and Beyond

14 Replies to “The Champions”

  1. I went to Geneva on the train from Lyon many years ago Gary. Only for one day and liked it. But boy was it expensive. We had a pub lunch there and it was nearly $100 for just two drinks and some chips and that was in 2008.

    1. Thanks Sue. So many people told me to expect the cost of food to be high. For two meals I paid $AUD130. The meals weren’t large either.
      Nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to eat out there.

  2. I don’t remember The Champions at all and in fact this is the first time I’ve heard of it. It would be hard to pick out a spy…and they probably look like ordinary folk. Never been to Geneva…maybe one day.

    Hope things get better with the relative. It is amazing how many people smoke and vape, a lifestyle choice.

    Back to regular cooking for you this week.

    1. Thanks, Mabel. The show is from the late 1960s. There was a lot of good TV back in those days.

      I think you’d like Geneva. Apart from chocolate and potatoes, the staple food is cheese. I ate a lot of cheese. They’re big into cheese and chocolate fondue too (not together though). You could eat as much or as little cheese as you like.

      I got onto a bus and before the driver boarded he looked like he was enjoying a couple of long heavy drags from his vaping thing. There were so many people standing on foot paths smoking cigarettes or vaping.

      Yes, I’m back to my routine, although I’m mixing it up a little. I bought some berries and yoghurt to have for breakfast for the next few days.

    2. Chocolate and cheese are two very good food. If you had to choose between the two, can you…

      I thought there were already a lot of smokers and vapers in Australia. What you saw there sounded like more.

      Hope you stomach yoghurt okay. It’s something that makes my stomach upset each time I have it.

    3. It would be a difficult choice, and I’m not sure I could do it happily. If I had to choose between a cheese or chocolate fondue though, I’d go with the cheese fondue because a cheese fondue would make a great dining experience.

      Yes, I think in places like Geneva and Lyon, smoking and vaping is more common. I think vaping is more common because it’s different and relatively new. I noticed people trying to look cool doing it.

      So far the yoghurt has been okay. I have been feeling a little bloated but there is no pain (yet).

    4. I actually never had cheese fondue before. I imagine it would be something like drinking and dipping into many kinds of cheese soups 😃

    5. I’ve had cheese fondue a couple of times. It’s like coating meat and vegetables in tasty melted cheese. It’s good 😃

  3. I remember seeing that series and enjoying the mystic aspects behind the source of their new abilities. Shades of Shangri-La. Craig … yes, Craig was my favourite. I don’t remember the cases unfortunately. Stuart Damon was also the prince in Cinderella and, as I recall, he had a nice singing voice.

    You had so many great meals on your trip. Back on the strict regime now that you’re back home. 🙂

    1. Yes, I need to regain the determination to keep my portions small and avoid too many calories.

    2. There are very few foods that I’ve tasted and not enjoyed. I easily get carried away eating too 😂

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